Best Of


mermaid nails
Mermaid Shirts

Top 20 Mermaid Shirts You Can Buy Today

Are you convinced you're a mermaid walking around on land? Well, you're not alone! One of the best ways to find other Mer-mates is wearing some Mermaid shirts. You will be surprised how many people will comment that they love mermaids as well. Here are my favorite top 20 mermaid shirts you can by online today! Let me know which one you like the best! Shell Top Mermaid Shirt Can't go wrong with the mermaid shell bra on the T-shirt.…

sequin backpack

Mermaid Sequin Backpack For The New School Year!

Can't get enough of Mermaid sequin fabric? Neither can I! With school coming up around the corner I thought I would help you find a fun sequin backpack. Let me know which one you decide on! Green and Black mermaid sequin backpack This screams "I'm a mermaid" and you are bound to find others who share the same passion as you when wearing this backpack around! [asa2_img img="3" size="LargeImage" width="375" height="500" align="center" show_title="no" show_button="no"]B07B42MB7J[/asa2_img] [su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#8bb4cd" color="#ffffff"…

Mermaid Piñata 

Mermaid Piñata: To Complete Your Mermaid Party!

Are you hosting a mermaid party? Ever thought of a mermaid piñata? You might feel odd about hitting a magestic sea creature with a bat, but I think that feeling will subside once the candy comes out! It's gonna be a blast! I have hosted a few mermaid themed parties in my life and there are some really creative ideas out there. Check out these mermaid piñata ideas and let me know which one you decided on! Mermaid pinatas Mermaid…

Mermaid Swimsuit

Find Your Mermaid Swimsuit For The SUMMER!

Swim Suit season is coming (or here for some) so it's time to start looking for that new hot summer suit. This year, why not get a killer mermaid swimsuit to show off your sexy "mer-bod." I did some research (so you don't have to) and found some crazy cute stuff. Check it out and let me know which one you decide on! I have divided up the sections to: Little Mermaid Swimsuits Mermaid Shell Top Bikinis High Waisted Mermaid…

Bubble Chandelier

Bubble Chandelier: More Magical Than I Imagined

I recently did a post on Mermaid home decor and stumbled across a Mermaid Bubble Chandelier. Could there be anything more magical to put into your home?  This is a classy modern way to "brighten" your inner mermaid and help you feel at home. Why? Because "Life is de bubbles under the sea." I researched every kind of bubble chandelier so you don't have to. Check out what I found! The following can be known as a different type of…

Mermaid Purse

Mermaid Purse

Recently one of my readers requested a blog post for Mermaid purses. What a great idea? She reminded me that Ariel swam around with a purse to put her treasure in as she swim around. While we are not curious mermaids swimming in the ocean, we can still sport a mermaid purse! Let me know what style you like best? Mermaid purse [asa2_img img="7" size="LargeImage" width="500" height="500" align="center" show_title="no" show_button="no"]B077QCR5QV[/asa2_img] [su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#8bb4cd" color="#ffffff" size="7" center="yes"]CLICK TO BUY…

Mermaid Games
Mermaid Cake Topper

Mermaid Cake Topper: For Every Event

Who's ready to party?!?!?!  If you need some good mermaid party ideas I have "a few" you can use! However! Let's talk about a mermaid cake topper. What kind of party are you throwing? Let's check out some options here. General mermaid cake topper Mermaid birthday cake topper Little mermaid cake topper Mermaid wedding cake topper Baby shower cake topper Bridal shower cake topper So! Let's dive in and figure out what will work best. General Mermaid Cake Topper [su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#8bb4cd" color="#ffffff" size="7" center="yes"]CLICK TO BUY HERE[/su_button] There are plenty of…

Mermaid party ideas

Mermaid Party Ideas: From Invitations To Party Favors

Let’s party! Are you looking for some Mermaid party ideas? I have collected my favorite party planning ideas and included a link where to buy. These ideas could be for a child's birthday party, adult party, bridal shower or even a baby shower! Either way, there should be some nostalgia going on. In this post I will cover: Mermaid invitations Mermaid party decorations Mermaid cake Mermaid cake topper Mermaid treats Mermaid games and activities Mermaid party favors Let me know if you have anything…