

Bubble Chandelier

Bubble Chandelier: More Magical Than I Imagined

I recently did a post on Mermaid home decor and stumbled across a Mermaid Bubble Chandelier. Could there be anything more magical to put into your home?  This is a classy modern way to "brighten" your inner mermaid and help you feel at home. Why? Because "Life is de bubbles under the sea." I researched every kind of bubble chandelier so you don't have to. Check out what I found! The following can be known as a different type of…

Everyday Mermaid Abbey

Meet Abbey: Our Everyday Mermaid

Meet Abbey our beautiful Everyday Mermaid! I had the opportunity to interview and get to know Abbey a fellow Mermaid "Fin"fluencer. She models, blogs, vlogs (video blogging), loves Mermaid, and absolutely loves to create.  Read more about her and how she spends everyday as a Mermaid!   I. LOVE. CREATING. I’ve always wanted to create something that is bigger than me—something that creates a platform to tell a story. To reach people. Vlogging has given me the ability to create.…

Mermaid Purse

Mermaid Purse

Recently one of my readers requested a blog post for Mermaid purses. What a great idea? She reminded me that Ariel swam around with a purse to put her treasure in as she swim around. While we are not curious mermaids swimming in the ocean, we can still sport a mermaid purse! Let me know what style you like best? Mermaid purse [asa2_img img="7" size="LargeImage" width="500" height="500" align="center" show_title="no" show_button="no"]B077QCR5QV[/asa2_img] [su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#8bb4cd" color="#ffffff" size="7" center="yes"]CLICK TO BUY…

Mermaid Games
Mermaid Cake Topper

Mermaid Cake Topper: For Every Event

Who's ready to party?!?!?!  If you need some good mermaid party ideas I have "a few" you can use! However! Let's talk about a mermaid cake topper. What kind of party are you throwing? Let's check out some options here. General mermaid cake topper Mermaid birthday cake topper Little mermaid cake topper Mermaid wedding cake topper Baby shower cake topper Bridal shower cake topper So! Let's dive in and figure out what will work best. General Mermaid Cake Topper [su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#8bb4cd" color="#ffffff" size="7" center="yes"]CLICK TO BUY HERE[/su_button] There are plenty of…

Mermaid party ideas

Mermaid Party Ideas: From Invitations To Party Favors

Let’s party! Are you looking for some Mermaid party ideas? I have collected my favorite party planning ideas and included a link where to buy. These ideas could be for a child's birthday party, adult party, bridal shower or even a baby shower! Either way, there should be some nostalgia going on. In this post I will cover: Mermaid invitations Mermaid party decorations Mermaid cake Mermaid cake topper Mermaid treats Mermaid games and activities Mermaid party favors Let me know if you have anything…

mermaid shoes

Mermaid Shoes: For Parties, Parades, and Everyday Wear

Let’s talk about mermaid shoes! Us mermaids are so focused on our tails and tops, what about our human feet on dry land? Mermaid shoes can come in handy at different events like parades, costume events, and even weddings!   Some are fabulously sparkly,  and some are decked out with seashells and little mermaid illustrations! So what are you looking for? If you haven’t decided yet I have some suggestions for you. In this post, I will cover the following. Glitter shoes Sequin…

Mermaid bra
Mermaid Kendall

Meet Mermaid Kendall From Florida

Introducing Mermaid Kendall from Florida! I had the chance to sit next to this amazing Mermaid at the San Marcos Mermaid parade this year. Kendall felt like a long lost mermaid friend from the start. She has a passion for kids and ocean conservation. Recently she moved to Florida and getting to know the mermaid scene there. Read her full interview below! Where are you from? What do you enjoy filling your day with? I was born and raised most…

Mermaid soap

Best Mermaid Soap: Reviews And How To’s For 2018

Rub a dub dub! I recently did a post on mermaid gifts and came across mermaid soap.  Beautiful colors and creative ways to accent your mermaid bathroom! If you are interested in buying or making your own soap, you should know a few things. First of all, not all soap is made the same way! Below you will learn about cold and hot pressed soap, what makes translucent soap, and new product called whipped soap, and links for if you…