Have you ever wondered “there are so many mermaid tails! Which one should I buy?” You are not alone!
My goal is to help you decide which swimmable mermaid tail is right for you. Each are different in their own unique way. Some have a monofin that works better for ocean diving. Others have a smaller monofin great for beginners and pool swimming.
The best part? I have some discount codes to use when purchasing.
If you don’t see your favorite mermaid tail below, let me know!
Best For

Discount Code
Where to Buy
Full Review
Ocean Swimming Mermaids
Beginner Mermaids
Suntail Mermaid
Good Price
Low Flexibility When Swimming
Intermediate Mermaids

Performing Mermaids

Agile and Eco Friendly
Hard to Separate Monofin and Tail
MERMAID TAILs categories explaInED:
Mermaid tail Price
When shopping for mermaid tails, you don’t want to break the bank! However, you don’t want to buy a cheap mermaid tail just to have it break or rip in the first couple swims. It does happen! This category gages the price compared to the overall quality of the mermaid tail.
The average price of my Mermaid tail collection is about $119. If the fabric of the tail and monofin are quality, this is a good price and will get 4 stars. A lower price will give them 5 if it is all around quality and a good price.
Mermaid tail Monofin
The monofin is a make or break for me. If you have a professional fin that is comfortable to swim in, doesn’t rub against your feet, and is easy to put on, you have a 5 star winner. Some come with adjustable straps and others have a fabric “once size fits all” sock fitting. My favorite monofin (currently) is the Suntails version. This was designed by the company for kids, is durable, comfortable and easy to put on. 5 stars!
mermaid tail Fit and Design
This section covers how well the tail fits (when on), and how well it is designed for inserting the monofin. A few things I look for is how high the waistline is, and how tight it is. If the tail cuts into my stomach making it uncomfortable or does it stay put if I bend down or swim? I also look at if the fabric look stretched in any areas or when the monofin is in place? Some mermaid tails have a zipper on the side and other you stretch the fabric around the monofin and secure in place. The zippers are a nice quality, but they can also break or rip more easily. The pullover method is good but sometimes you can see the end of the monofin poking out the bottom. Not the end of the world but take note if you are doing a photo shoot.
mermaid tail Fabric Quality
This category is gaged on the quality of the fabric. Most mermaid tail fabrics are a spandex/polyester mix. This fabric should be thicker than mermaid legging fabrics. If not, when stretched can become see-through, and possibly rip after a few uses. The pattern of scales and fluke is your own personal preference but I do love when they mix colors together. *Note: If the material has cotton in it, stay away. That will cause “drag” when you are swimming and take forever to dry.
mermaid tail Customer Experience
Part of your mermaid experience is how well you can interact with their website and customer service. They could have a great product but if you struggle to find the product on the website, have your order missed or messed up, then can’t get a hold of anyone to replace, your perception of the company and monofin will be dulled. Luckily I have had great customer experience with all the tails I own.
Mermaid Kat Review Summary
Mermaid Kat
I love the “easy to use” design of the tail. Inserting the Monofin into fabric tail is smooth, and the zipper aspect helps with photography.
I recommend this tail for ocean underwater free diving for adults that know how to swim. The monofin is super quality and moves you faster than any other monofin that I have tried. The design and colors are beautiful!
The fabric isn’t as thick as I would like and was see-through around my hips. The monofin is larger so the ability to do tricks is limited. The zipper aspect is nice for photography but because of the monofin shape, you have thicker F-ankles (Fin+ankle) that can look off in photos but not to bad as you can see!
Suntails Review Summary
Suntails Review
This is a great tail for beginning mermaids as the monofin is a “one size fits all” and can be grown into. The monofin is SUPER sturdy and has a lifetime guarantee! The fabric is thick and the tail is easy to put on over the monofin with the open bottom design. This is also the most cost-effective mermaid tail on the market!
Because of the open bottom design, you can see the monofin when doing photography. Also, because of the sturdiness of the tail, there is low flexibility in the water so it doesn’t “bend” like a fishtail would.
Mertailor review Summary
Mertailor Review
The Mertailor is always innovating their tails and has recently come out with more tails that I need to review! This specific review is for the Whimsy Tail.
The Mertailor uses quality fabrics with new designs coming out all the time! The Whimsy tails are a dream to swim in. The monofin is pure silicone and has a very realistic motion. These are great for adults and those kids who want to be just a little closer to becoming a mermaid.
Because the monofin is pure silicone, it doesn’t have a strong push in the water. This means you probably can’t get to the other side of the pool in one breath.
The 2 Tails Summary
The2Tails Review
This tail is great for beginners, kids, and for traveling purposes. They make the tails long so you can roll them down or grow into them! It was made to fit in a suitcase and super durable no matter which way you fold it. It is also designed by Cirque Du Solie tails so it works great for performances. The monofin is flexible so it looks realistic in the water.
I really want to point out they are ECO-FRIENDLY with recycled material to help our environment! Awesome!
My ankles touch when I was swimming but this might be my own body type. The monofin and tail can be hard to separate as there is no zipper and no open bottom entry. You have to fold the monofin and take it out of the tail. Not impossible but easier said than done.
Fin Fun Review
Fin Fun tails have amazing vibrant colors. Their tails have a unique shimmer fish-like texture I haven’t seen anywhere else. I feel their tails are the best for beginner swimmers as they are easy to put on and super flexible in the water. They also have a thick like plastic on the tops for stronger protection from wear and tear.
I found that after swimming, my tail dirtied more easily, and harder to clean than other fabric tails.
This is the most flexible monofin I have tried on the market, so you tend to move slower in the water.
Mermaid Aqua Review
This is a great step for beginning professional mermaids! It is not a big bulky silicone tail but it’s much more than a basic fabric tail. Emma custom designs these tails and they can be made and shipped within a few weeks. The fin is larger for moving through the water and has a comfortable fit.
These tails are more expensive than normal mermaid tails but they do have more fabric and aspects to them. Mermaid Aqua is a smaller company that has its own pros and cons.