Everything Mermaid's


Mermaid Quiz

Mermaid Quiz – What Type Of Mermaid Are You?

Remember to share your results for the mermaid quiz on facebook! [interact id="5c991a02c6264b0014d208b4" type="quiz"] Not sure if this is your mermaid? Check out these different types of mermaids from around the world and comment which one you are and why you think it's a perfect match! Also, if you are interested in signing up for the monthly mermaid newsletter, enter your email below! Everything Mermaid Monthly Updates Email address:  

Types Of Mermaids

Different Types Of Mermaids – Which One Are You?

Throughout time, there has been a presence of mermaids. It might have been fairytales, folklore, art, or real-life accounts, but it's undeniable that they have played a part in human history. They haven't always had the same reputation. Some were symbolized as omens of evil and seduction, while others are good luck or fertility. Each is different in unique ways, just like you. Keep reading to know different types of mermaids, and which one you relate too! The term"Mermaid" is the…

Mermaid Tattoos
Salty Mermaid Save The Toucan Swimwear

Save The Toucans Salty Mermaid Swim Wear

Salty Mermaid has done it again! A new line of swimwear has come out with a "save the toucans" theme that is all about giving back! They partnered up with the TRR (Toucan Rescue Ranch) in Costa Rica where a team of passionate environmentalists are doing their part to protect endangered wildlife on the island. Did you know that there are 6 different types of Toucans in Costa Rica? Leslie Howle and Jorge Murillo have been working at the TRR since…

Meet Mermaid Kat – Our World Traveling Mermaid

Introducing Mermaid Kat! This amazing woman brings so much passion to our community! In 2012, she created the company Mermaid Kat, and within the next year opened Mermaid Academy, which teaching Mer-lovers of all ages how to swim, and a Mermaid Shop selling high-end diving monofins, fabric tails, and silicone mermaid tails. Kat's motivation is to see the bright smiles of those fulfilling their dreams and to teach them how to become ocean ambassadors who help fight for our underwater world. Her classes are currently…

Fin Fun Leggings

Fin Fun Leggings – Review And 10% Off Promo Code

It is a cold day in Knoxville TN, but I couldn't wait to show off my Fin Fun Leggings! These radiant colors can brighten anyone's day. We headed to the river to get some fun waterside pictures and I couldn't believe how much they stood out.  Keep reading for my in-depth review and promo code for these beautiful leggings. Use Promo Code EVERYTHINGMERMAID10 for a 10% discount!  Fin Fun all started with Grandma Karen in Rigby Idaho. One of her granddaughters asked…

mermaid off duty

Mermaid Off Duty – Clothing And Merchandise

"Mermaid off duty" is a play on words from the popular "Lifeguard off duty" signs you may see around the beach. This mermaid saying eludes to the mermaid life that you have, but might not be participating in at the moment. This fun merchandise can be good for gift ideas, home decor, or added to a mermaid outfit. Let me know which one you like best! Mermaid off-duty Clothing This classic off duty mermaid tank top will give some strong mermaid vibes…

Im really a mermaid

Guess What? I’m Really A Mermaid – Top Merchandise

Guess what? I'm really a mermaid! I have legs but don't let them fool you! My mermaid tails come out often but when they can't I have merchandise for clothing and home decor to help me out! Check out these fun "I'm really a mermaid" items you can purchase today! I'm really a mermaid Love this cute women's coral color v-neck graphic tee. [su_button url="https://www.etsy.com/listing/242254856/im-really-a-mermaid-psycho-slogan-make?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=I%26%2339%3Bm+really+a+mermaid&ref=sr_gallery-1-15&organic_search_click=1&col=1" target="blank" style="soft" background="#8bb4cd" color="#ffffff" size="7" center="yes"]CLICK HERE TO BUY! [/su_button] Our love of mermaids usually…

mermaid vibes

Mermaid Vibes Merchandise and Clothing For Everyday Mermaids

Mermaid vibes roll on high tides! What do you think mermaid vibes even are? Most mermaids are happy just relaxing out in the sun with salty air, or swimming under the sea. Send out those positive vibes for everyone around you and show off your passion for mermaids. Mermaid Vibes Clothing A soft and comfy mermaid tank for the beach or a day at the pool. What do you think about these graphic tees? [asa2_img img="1" size="LargeImage" width="414" height="500" align="center" show_title="no"…

shell phone

Shell Phone – Mermaid Products And Puns!

"You use to call me on my shell phone" is a play off of the Drake Song but fits perfectly in the mermaid culture. Using our cell phone like a shell phone makes being an everyday mermaid possible. Have you seen this version with Sponge Bob? Check out this fun punned merchandise for shell phones. Call me on my shell phone merchandise A classic tank is a nessessity for every wardrobe. Perfect for the beach, or an undershit throughout the…